Professional instructor Training

with PADI Course Director Larry Wedgewood

My goal is to develop quality dive instructors and industry professionals that are highly sought after and in demand worldwide.

IDC Instructor Candidate

The Ultimate Dive Professional

Becoming a dive instructor is about more than just teaching skills. While it's important for students to develop dive skills and abilities, the dive industry is looking for instructors who provide more.

In addition to scuba training expertise, dive instructors must cultivate business acumen, mentorship, safety advocacy, and environmental stewardship. Mastery of business development, understanding the evolving needs of today’s divers, maintaining equipment, and effectively leveraging technology will set them apart in the dive industry. These skills not only enhance their professional standing but also position them to make a meaningful and positive impact on the diving community and the environment.

Dive professionals are the stewards of the dive industry, equipped with a broad range of skills and knowledge. 

Becoming a world-class dive instructor is a transformative journey—one that requires mastering a diverse skill set and embracing a deep commitment to the aquatic realm.

Become a PADI Pro Diver

Becoming a PADI Scuba Instructor isn't just about a job; it's a gateway to a world of extraordinary possibilities.

It opens doors to a world of adventure and fulfillment. It's an opportunity to explore the depths of the ocean while sharing your passion with others. Whether you seek global travel, the joy of teaching, or the challenge of mastering a new skill, Pursuing a scuba career offers an effective solution to professional dissatisfaction. In a world where 85% of people dislike their jobs, becoming a scuba instructor is a pathway to meaningful work and boundless adventure.

become a scuba instructor

Teach Scuba Diving and Enjoy an Extraordinary life As a PADI Scuba Instructor

Travel, explore, and embrace life with excitement, adventure and have great experiences.

Why do your dive instructor training in Canada?

Taking your scuba instructor training in Canada will save you a lot of money as well as offer a unique and invaluable experience that sets you apart in the diving world. While tropical destinations boast stunning reefs and warm waters, training in Canada exposes you to the challenges of cold water, limited visibility, and the need for additional thermal protection. (and it's still a lot of fun)

These factors demand a higher level of skill, adaptability, and resourcefulness, ultimately shaping you into a more well-rounded and proficient scuba instructor. Learning to navigate and teach in these conditions enhances your problem-solving abilities, communication skills, and overall confidence, preparing you to excel in any recreational diving environment worldwide. 

Doing your Instructor training in Canada not only equips you with essential technical skills but also instills a deeper understanding of safety protocols, processes and procedures, and a heightened appreciation for the intricacies of proper underwater instruction, making you an exceptionally sought after scuba instructor wherever your diving journey takes you. 

Scuba Diving Instructor Opportunities 

teach scuba diving

As a scuba diving instructor, you not only get to indulge in these awe-inspiring experiences but also play a pivotal role in transforming lives by teaching valuable diving skills and promoting ocean conservation.

It's a career path that offers flexibility, opportunities for travel, and the satisfaction of seeing your students grow in confidence and competence. Ultimately, becoming a scuba instructor opens doors to a fulfilling lifestyle centered around exploration, learning, and environmental stewardship.

The demand for qualified scuba instructors is on the rise, offering stability and potential for career advancement within the recreational diving industry. With the chance to inspire others to appreciate and protect our oceans, becoming a scuba instructor transcends mere occupation, evolving into a deeply rewarding vocation that enriches both your life and the lives of those you teach.

Furthermore, as a scuba instructor, you become part of a vibrant global community of divers, forging connections with people from diverse backgrounds who share a common love for the sea. Whether you're teaching introductory scuba courses to beginners or leading advanced specialty dives, each day presents new challenges and opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Enrolling in a PADI Scuba Diving Instructor course grants you access to an exceptional lifestyle, whether it be in tropical destinations or anywhere else across the globe. Becoming a certified PADI Scuba Instructor will lead you on a remarkable journey that many individuals can only fantasize about.

As A PADI Course Director, Larry Wedgewood understands the importance of equipping Instructor candidates with the skills and knowledge necessary for a successful career in the dive industry. With a deep passion for excellence, Larry has developed an comprehensive, cutting-edge training program that ensures participants are fully prepared to embark on an extraordinary journey in this field.

Professional level scuba Courses

PADI Assistant Instructor

Assistant Instructor

PADI Assistant Instructor Course is the first half of your Instructor Development Course.

PADI Instructor Course

Open Water Scuba Instructor

Open Water Scuba Instructor Course is what you need to take to become a PADI Instructor 

PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer

Specialty Instructor Training 

You'll be able to train PADI specialty courses, expand your teaching repertoire


PADI Master Instructor

Master Instructor

Master Instructors are elite scuba educators, They carry the most respected instructor credential in the world, recognized everywhere.

IDC Staff Instructor

IDC Staff Instructor

As a IDC Staff Instructor you will learn to teach instructors, assist with IDC and share your wisdom, experience while helping the Course Director develop great instructors. 

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My Mission

To provide world class Scuba Career Pro Training that sets students apart from the rest of the world.

My Goal

Be recognized as a scuba instructor training mentor and career development specialist in Canada and abroad.

780 699-9383

© Larry Wedgewood Scuba Instruction.  All Rights Reserved.

Larry Wedgewood Course Director

Larry Wedgewood

50% Complete

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